Apology and Correction Regarding holo no graffiti holoSushi Merchandise Series

Thank you for your continuous patronage of hololive production OFFICIAL SHOP.

We have found out that one item in the holo no graffiti holoSushi Merchandise Series was listed with the incorrect design.

■ Eligible Item
holo no graffiti holoSushi Merchandise Series "T-Shirt Black ver. vol.2"

■ Incorrect Design
Incorrect: Takane Lui's name under her illustration was written as "Rui".
Correct: Takane Lui's name under her illustration will be changed to "Lui".

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.

● To Customers Who Have Already Purchased the Product
To customers who have already purchased this product and already have it in their hands, we will send you the product with the correct design.

A separate email will be sent to eligible customers regarding the shipping schedule.

For products with the incorrect design, we kindly ask for your cooperation in discarding them.

We sincerely apologize again for the inconvenience and trouble this may have caused to our customers.

We promise that we will continue to make improvements for more thorough quality control.

■ Inquiry

hololive production OFFICIAL SHOP